The Game that helps you improve your mental & physical Health

About us

Society has undergone significant growth, and individuals now face a multitude of responsibilities, striving to excel in various activities to fit in with others. This societal pressure has led to an increase in stress among many individuals.

People living in cities face additional negative effects on their (mental) health from lack of exercise, air pollution, high noise levels and general pollution. To tackle this, individuals can employ various strategies to reduce stress levels. Common approaches include spending time in nature, engaging in physical activities, listening to music, cooking, and practicing meditation and yoga.



For most people incorporating these strategies into their daily lives requires a long-term change of their routines. However, just like New Years resolutions and diets, a short time of motivation is often followed by a fallback into old routines.

A survey revealed that people are more likely to adopt and maintain meditation habits when a reward system is in place. Psychologists emphasize the importance of rewarding oneself to establish new habits, as the brain receives a dopamine boost, reinforcing the behavior over time. Studies indicate that spending time in nature provides the brain with fresh air and increased blood flow, which in turn, enhances cognitive function, reduces stress, and fosters better thinking. Some self-help books, such as „The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari“ by Robin Sharma, underscore the idea that spending time in nature unlocks one's full potential, leading to more creative thinking and improved time management in life.

There are a few digital solutions available on platforms like Play Store or Steam, that try to help people achieve those routines. None however combine the above elements and aspects as MyForest does.


Our app aims to

  • assist individuals improve their health by taking walks outside
  • helps in reducing stress by encouraging them to spend more time in nature and
  • meditate on a regular basis.


To keep users motivated and provide long-term benefits, we have integrated a gamified experience, as well as some social features.